“City Man Land Grab,” is a poignant ballad that captures the struggle of a young man fighting to protect his family’s homestead from encroaching developers and city planners. With a narrative reminiscent of a scene from Yellowstone, the song is a stark and moving tribute to the enduring bond between people and their land. Accompanied only by his guitar, Robson’s never-ending fingerpicking and warm, almost haunting voice transport listeners to the back of a horse, riding through untouched fields. “City Man Land Grab” resonates deeply, celebrating the resilience needed to defend one’s home and the sacred duty of caring for the land that sustains us.

Written and performed by Russ Robson

Vocals and Acoustic Guitar: Russ Robson

Recorded and produced by Pete Swann @ Attitude Productions

Video by Lucky Pineapple Photography

“A Million Times” is not just a love song; it’s a lyrical masterpiece that celebrates the resilience of the human spirit and the boundless strength found in love’s embrace. With its heartfelt storytelling and emotive melodies, this folk indie rock composition becomes a timeless ode to love’s enduring power and the unwavering commitment between kindred souls.

Big News!!!
The Rising Sun Tour Featuring Russ Robson and Black Suit Devil is heading to the east coast!
Join my good friend Black Suit Devil and I for an intimate kickoff concert and fundraiser Thursday, May 25th at the Gibson Centre in Alliston Ontario.
The intimate event will be held on the lower level located at 63 Tupper Street West in Alliston On, and will serve as a fundraiser and kickoff party for the artists’ upcoming Rising Sun Tour to the east coast!
I’ll be playing some new unheard and unreleased songs!
Come join us for a night of amazing music, storytelling, beers and more.
Limited tickets available!